Make Fat and Cellulite Disappear with Non-surgical Cosmetic Mesotherapy
Additional services
Natural health Bioidentical Hormone replacement: Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as those naturally produced by your body. With the help of a compounding pharmacist, Dr. Jones can tailor the exact dose to your needs to use the lowest possible dose to relieve symptoms.

Women’s annual exams

Intravenous nutritional therapy: Intravenous nutrition allows you to bypass the gastrointestinal tract for maximum absorption and utilization of concentrated vitamins and minerals. Intravenous nutrition can be particularly helpful in cases of compromised gastrointestinal absorption, poor immune function and chronic fatigue.

Food allergy testing:
Food allergy testing can be done with a simple blood test to determine reactivity to 96 common foods. Identification and avoidance of food allergies is helpful in a variety of chronic conditions such as sinusitis, eczema, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic pain.


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Dr. Karen Jones
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